Medical corporation corporation CVIC
Oimachi Heart Clinic
〒140-0011 東京都品川区
東大井5丁目2−3 おおい元気館 3F
Figure 4. Principle of ECG waveform
We suspected of having heart disease,the electrocardiogram examination is the most commonly used method. It has been widely used as a heart disease check, because it is cheap and no physical burden.
Specifically, it records the electrical activity of the heart in a graphical, which is very useful for diagnosing and treating heart disease. Various heart diseases can cause electrical changes in the heart. With this change, it is possible to capture the symptoms before they appear (Figure 4).
In a conventional 12-lead ECG, ten electrodes are placed on the patient's limbs and on the surface of the chest. Electrocardiogram examination is divided into resting electrocardiogram, 24-hour dynamic electrocardiogram and exercise electrocardiogram.
The resting ECG and 24-hour dynamic ECG are used in Oimachi clinic and CVIC Iidabashi.
1. Resting electrocardiogram (Fig. 5)
Figure 5. Resting electrocardiography
The resting ECG is a simple, quick and painless test. The resting ECG can detect certain heart conditions such as hypertrophy of heart, ischemia, myocardial infarction, sequelae of myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, etc. The test takes about 5 minutes.
For example, in the case of arrhythmia, if arrhythmia does not occur within a short test time, it cannot be detected. The same is true for angina pectoris, which cannot be detected if there are no symptoms in testing time. Resting ECG can usually detect myocardial infarction and severe angina. In other words, if there is an abnormality on the result of resting ECG,you need further examination, but just because there is no abnormality does not mean that there is no disease.
2. Holter ECG (24-hour ECG)
The Holter test is a continuous, non-invasive recording of the electrocardiogram for 24 hours or more. It is usually used to diagnose arrhythmias that can not be distinguished during a resting or stress ECG. With advances in equipment, it is as small as a credit card, so very convenient to carry.
Figure 7. Holter ECG
The adult has about 100,000 heartbeats per day. The dynamic electrocardiogram records all heartbeats and is used to consider the following: